Much of my work is figurative or urban inspired. However I can be inspired by nature just as much as the next artist 😉

“Ornithoptera Priamus” and “Battus Bellus”

Ballpoint pens, spray paint, and a little colour pencil. 50x40cm.

“Free Rider 2”

Ballpoint pen and spray paints on paper, 50x40cm, 21012.

“Polo Pony 1”

Ballpoint pen on paper, 20cmx30cm, 2008.
Limited edition prints of this (below middle) are available, use contact page to inquire.

“Orchids 2”

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“Midway” & “Black Butterfly”

Mixing butterflies with graffiti designs… 2007.

“Young One”

Ballpoint biro on card. 40x36cm. 2010.
Drawing of a foal.

“Cheslea Dub”

Ballpoint pen & spray paint on paper. 75x55cm. 2008.
See detail image below. I drew every tiny leaf once in black ballpoint pen, then again in green ballpoint pen. It took a long time.

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